Origin: Switzerland. Description: An exhibition breed. It has an erect station and broad, full chest. Its overall rzpearance is that of a mixture of Owl and Homer. Size: Small to medium. Its average weight is 14 to 15 ounces (380 to 430 ...
Indian Ringneck Parrot Parakeet Breeding Description Habit Food Medicine and Video
eKnowledgeAug 26, 2013Description: Indian Ringneck Parrot or Rose-Ringed Parakeet is classified as a smaller parrot known as a parakeet. These birds have a long tail, hooked beak, and are smaller in size compared to most parrots. The Rose-Ringed Parakeet is typically a...
Red Winged Parrot Breeding Description Habit Food Medicine and Videos
eKnowledgeAug 25, 2013Description: The Red-winged parrot is typically about 30 to 33 cm in length with wings that are 18.3 to 20.8 cm long. Male and Female both has bright red wings and a bright green body. The male birds (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).pu...
African Grey Parrot Details Information
eKnowledgeJan 07, 2014Description: The African grey parrot is a medium-sized, predominantly grey, black-billed parrot which weights 0.4 kilogram with a length of 0.33 meter and an average wingspan of 0.46–0.52 meter. The tail and under-tail coverts are red, in compari...
Indian Ringneck Parrot Parakeet Breeding Description Habit Food Medicine and Video
eKnowledgeAug 26, 2013Description: Indian Ringneck Parrot or Rose-Ringed Parakeet is classified as a smaller parrot known as a parakeet. These birds have a long tail, hooked beak, and are smaller in size compared to most parrots. The Rose-Ringed Parakeet is typically a...
Red Winged Parrot Breeding Description Habit Food Medicine and Videos
eKnowledgeAug 25, 2013Description: The Red-winged parrot is typically about 30 to 33 cm in length with wings that are 18.3 to 20.8 cm long. Male and Female both has bright red wings and a bright green body. The male birds (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).pu...
African Grey Parrot Details Information
eKnowledgeJan 07, 2014Description: The African grey parrot is a medium-sized, predominantly grey, black-billed parrot which weights 0.4 kilogram with a length of 0.33 meter and an average wingspan of 0.46–0.52 meter. The tail and under-tail coverts are red, in compari...
Indian Ringneck Parrot Parakeet Breeding Description Habit Food Medicine and Video
eKnowledgeAug 26, 2013Description: Indian Ringneck Parrot or Rose-Ringed Parakeet is classified as a smaller parrot known as a parakeet. These birds have a long tail, hooked beak, and are smaller in size compared to most parrots. The Rose-Ringed Parakeet is typically a...
Fischer's Love Bird Description Gender Breeding Nesting and Pictures
eKnowledgeSept 28, 2013Description: Lovebirds are among the smallest parrots, characterized by a stocky build, a short blunt tail, and a relatively large, sharp beak. The F...
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Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Details Information about Eichbuhl Pigeon
Origin: Switzerland, in the village of Eichbuhl, in the Canton of Berne. Description: Originally a field pigeon, it is now an exhibition bird. It has long wings and tail and is short-legged. It is a good flier and forager. It is said to be...
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Details Information about Syrian Swift Pigeon
Origin: Introduced to the United States by Sam Shadeed, of Jacksonville, North Carolina, in 1954 from Damascus, Syria. Its Syrian name Gergati is an Egyptian name, raising the inference that the breed was imported from Egypt to Syria.Descript...
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Details Information about French Bagdad Pigeon
French Bagdad Pigeon Origin Description Size Ornaments Colors Comment Caring and Pictures gallery Information. Origin: France. This is the French version of the original Middle Eastern Bagdad. More than 200 years ago France had six or more va...
Details Information of Steinheim Bagdad Pigeon
Steinheim Bagdad Pigeon Origin Description Size Ornaments Colors Comment Caring and Pictures gallery Information. Origin: Germany. This little-known breed is said to have arisen from free matings of the French and Nuremberg Bagdads with native ...
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African Grey Parrot Details Information
eKnowledgeJan 07, 2014Description: The African grey parrot is a medium-sized, predominantly grey, black-billed parrot ...
Indian Ringneck Parrot Parakeet Breeding Description Habit Food Medicine and Video
eKnowledgeAug 26, 2013Description: Indian Ringneck Parrot or Rose-Ringed Parakeet is classified as a smaller parrot kno...
Red Winged Parrot Breeding Description Habit Food Medicine and Videos
eKnowledgeAug 25, 2013Description: The Red-winged parrot is typically about 30 to 33 cm in length with wings that are 18....
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