Love Bird Description Size Gender Nesting and Video - Encyclopedia of Bird Kingdom

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Love Bird Description Size Gender Nesting and Video

Description: Lovebirds are among the smallest parrots, characterized by a stocky build, a short blunt tail, and a relatively large, sharp beak. Wild type lovebirds are mostly green with a variety of colors on their upper body, depending on the species. The Fischer's Lovebird, Black-cheeked Lovebird, and the Masked Lovebird have a prominent white ring around their eyes. 

Gender: Determining Lovebird sex is difficult. At maturity of one year, it may show signs of whether it is male or female, such as ripping up paper and stuffing it into its feathers referred to female behavior and regurgitating

for its owners referred to male behavior. This behavior is not a reliable indicator. The only sure method is DNA testing. Companies that provide such service exist.

Size: Lovebirds are 13 to 17 centimeters in length and 40 to 60 grams in weight.

Nesting: Depending on the species of lovebird, the female will carry nesting material into the nest in various ways. The Peach-faced Lovebird tucks nesting material in the feathers of its rump, while the Masked Lovebird carries nesting material back in its beak. Once the lovebirds start constructing their nest, mating will follow. During this time, the lovebirds will mate repeatedly. Eggs follow 3–5 days later. The female will spend hours

inside her nesting box before eggs are laid. Once the first egg is laid, a new egg will follow every other day until the clutch is complete, typically at four to six eggs. Even without a nest, lovebirds sometimes produce eggs.


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Love Bird's Video on YouTube

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