Red Winged Parrot Breeding Description Habit Food Medicine and Videos - Encyclopedia of Bird Kingdom

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Sunday, August 25, 2013


Red Winged Parrot Breeding Description Habit Food Medicine and Videos

Description: The Red-winged parrot is typically about 30 to 33 cm in length with wings that are 18.3 to 20.8 cm long. Male and Female both has bright red wings and a bright green body. The male birds

have a black nape, lower blue back and rump with a yellow tip on their tail, an orange bill and grey feet. The female birds on the other hand have a yellowish green body and the wings have red and pink trimmings on their wings. Also distinguishing the females are a dark iris and the lower back is a light blue color. Juveniles have orange or yellow beaks and pale brown irises, and otherwise resemble females in coloration. Males develop adult plumage at about the age of two years and females at the age of about a year and a half.

Scientific name: Aprosmictus erythropterus
Rank: Species
Higher classification: Aprosmictus

Distribution and habitat: Their range is from the Pilbara, Western Australia to Cape York Peninsula, Queensland and as south as northeast South Australia. They are occasionally spotted in Papua New Guinea. These birds inhabit riverine forests, forest edges, acacia scrub, mangroves, and farmlands. They are seen often in pairs near water.

The birds generally breed in two seasons such as spring and summer. But breeding times depends according to their location. A deep space in a tree usually acts as nest for breeding with a height of 1100

centimeters from the ground. Typically, they are laid three to six eggs per season, the eggs being 0.31 centimeters in length. The female incubates while the male searches for food. The chicks stay with their parents for about five weeks. It has been hybridized with the Australian King Parrot.

Food: Sunflower seeds, Corn, Rice, etc.

Medicine: Cool Symptoms-Cosumix Plus, Denagard, etc. (According to Bangladesh)
Diarrhoea Symptoms- Ceprocin, etc.

References: The free Encyclopedia, Google

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