Sunday, August 17, 2014

Details Information about Fish Eye Roller Pigeon

Fish Eye Roller Pigeon origin description size ornaments colors comment caring and pictures gallery:
Origin: Spain, centuries ago. Date of importation is uncertain. It is also known as Volteadora Espanola (Spanish Roller). Cortes (1613) mentioned Volteadoras that had just come to Spain from Algiers "which in flight turn one thousand times in the air, which is a pleasure to see." He is followed by other Spanish writers in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.

Description: It is a performing Roller with rounded head and prominent frontal. The beak is long and thin. Its neck is short. It has a round breast, slim body and long flights carried upon the tail which is also long. To the author it bears a strong resemblance to a capped American Domestic Flight.

Size: Small, average weight 310 to 335 grams.

Ornaments: It is either plain-headed or shell-crested and clean-legged. Great importance is attached to the large pearl eye with its tiny pupil and the very red beak and eye cere. 

Colors: They existed in all colors: white, black, dun, red, yellow, blue barred, blue checkered, mottled and splashed. Birds with white-frosted head as the specimen illustrated are very popular.

Comment: Brage says that the Refilador is an excellent Roller but that it has become extremely rare in Spain. It is very rare in the United States, if it occurs at all.
Seven steps must follows for Pigeon growing:
The requirements for pigeon breeding are simple, but they must be followed to be successful. There should be no relaxing or neglect at any time, for it is much easier to prevent trouble than to eliminate disease, parasites or vermin once these have occurred.
  1. A dry house with the inside protected from rain or snow.
  2. Separate houses for mated pairs and odd birds.
  3. A flypen, if the breed requires one that dries out easily.
  4. A suitable feed ration protected from contamination.
  5. A suitable mineral ration protected from contamination.
  6. Water suitable for human consumption protected from contamination.
  7. Suitable nesting materials.
If any one of the seven is neglected, trouble of some sort will eventually occur.

References: Wendell Mitchell Levi (1891-1976), accepted everywhere as Mr. Pigeon

Fish Eye Roller Pigeon


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