Saturday, January 11, 2014

Koros Tumbler Pigeon with Origin Description Size Ornaments Color Comment Pictures

Origin: Hungary in two towns on the Koros River, alfoldi in Hungarian means plains or lowland; keringo means tumbler. Neither Lavalle and Lietze nor Wittig describe it. It is somewhat similar to the Komorner Tumbler to which it may be related.

Description: It is a flying breed with tail carried above the horizontal and dropping wings. The self’s are medium are medium-faced, the Gransel-like are long faced.

Size: Small, average weight about 12 to 13 ounces. It has very short legs.

Ornaments: It is clean-legged with a low carried shell crest. Its tail contains 16 to 18 rectrices and always lacks on oil gland.

Colors: Self’s in all common colors also a pied pattern, Gansel-like with colored cap, body and tail. The wings belly and thighs are white and a large white bib extends around the eyes and across the top of the head. It is also bred in pure white with colored wing shields or saddles.

Comment: The breed is very scarce in the United States, if it occurs here at all.

Seven steps must follows for Pigeon growing:
The requirements for pigeon breeding are simple, but they must be followed to be successful. There should be no relaxing or neglect at any time, for it is much easier to prevent trouble than to eliminate disease, parasites or vermin once these have occurred.

1. A dry house with the inside protected from rain or snow.
2. Separate houses for mated pairs and odd birds.
3. A flypen, if the breed requires one that dries out easily.
4. A suitable feed ration protected from contamination.
5. A suitable mineral ration protected from contamination.
6. Water suitable for human consumption protected from contamination.
7. Suitable nesting materials.
If any one of the seven is neglected, trouble of some sort will eventually occur.

References: Wendell Mitchell Levi (1891-1976), accepted everywhere as Mr. Pigeon

Koros Tumbler Pigeon Pictures Gallery 

Koros Tumbler Pigeon Video is coming soon.........


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